Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Books By Cover

Hi All

It has been a few weeks, and I apologize been busy.  I am going to try not to get on a soap box but after talking to a few friends about recent happenings lately in the South and just views I wanted to speak my peace on something.

My title probably doesn't tell you much so I want to get into it this way.  Books, what makes us read them, a lot of times its because of the cover what we see on the outside rather its a bright picture or a good visual description of what the story is about. Then normally we flip it read the back and get a brief summary of what it is about.  With those little things and maybe the word of mouth of others we base our opinions  on that to buy and read or to not.  Now in most cases if its not appealing in any way we do not even give it a second glance we move on and read another.  I think this method is flawed. Some of the greatest works in history never had frilly covers, I seriously doubt the first edition of Dante's Inferno did.  Just a few months ago I did the same thing I judged a book however I judged it with curiosity. The cover the description was enough to make me sit and go hummm it could be bad it could be good but I got to know. I bought that book and now I eagerly await the next one by the author. There are few books I have rarely ever been able to "not put down" it was one. 

This judging by covers is said not only in books we as a people do it with everything food, houses, movies, music you name it its pretty much judged in one way shape or form.  But, have you ever stopped to think what if we didn't judge what if we just went on a sense that something was the right thing to pick , see or do.  What if we were just friends with people cause they got us.  Which brings me to my next point,  I am starting to think judging people in this way is wrong.  One of my best friends makes me laugh so hard when he calls me his little nickname for me and I might regret putting it in here but I need it for my point... meximelt. Now, to understand that you have to know if you don't already that I am adopted and Spanish, Irish, Scotish decent, that I know of.  I am pretty much a walking talking melting pot.   Now he calls me that with love and our friendship is more then skin deep so to speak, he didn't look at me on the outside and go hum I don't know what she is so I choose to not be her friend.   In my rambling let me get to the point. Just because people have long hair, tattoos, different skin-color, come from a different area, talk different, act different does not mean that you can't be friends it does not mean they are  all bad it does not mean that they are all good either it just means they are people who granted by luck of draw might be a little different strictly by genetics.   Besides some of the most BRILLIANT people I know are those that are just a little different, that break the norm so to speak.

That said because I am a  slight music junky in some ways so  I want to reference Lonely Train by Black Stone Cherry the chorus actually does fit. 
            But you can't judge a book
            Looking at the cover
            You can't love someone
            While messing with another
             No, you can't win a war
             Fighting with your brother
             You wanna have peace
             Gotta love one another
So my task to everyone is this.  LOVE.. don't judge on the outside get to know the person for who they are then make your choice. I am not saying that you will LOVE everyone you meet but I am saying that if you give people chances you might just realize that you "can not put them down" and they will stay your friends for a lifetime.