“ Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ”- A.A. Milne
I could post just that, give it a title and be done... However I'm not known to be someone of few words.
In my evaluation of not only myself but people in general nearly everyone sells themselves short in one way or another.. It seems to be human nature or maybe it's just the way we as humans are I today's world. However we don't always do it, humans also tend to get this "I'm invincible " mentality though more times then not that's a cover up and a screem saying "I'm really not liking my self". We all do it. I know I am horrible at not viewing myself to my full potential.. It gets pointed out regularly by friends and family , rather it be musically, in the business,cooking (which just a few days ago one of my college besties went I just wish I could cook like you.. It was humbling in a way and my response I can teach you easily). So many times it takes a verbal slap in the face to wake me up or turn that "light bulb" on .. The above quote did that when I read it and started the blog it was ment more to show in general we are all selling ourselves short now as I'm finally finishing this blog it's that but it also is a personal wake up call that just when I think I'm not smart, strong or brave I am. That said to all my friends that actually read my blog yall are smarter, stronger, and braver then you think you are!!! Keep faith in God (or what ever higher power you believe in) that you weren't a mistake and that you were ment to do great things as long as you also have faith in yourself that you are stronger, braver, and smarter then you see yourself being .