Thursday, October 1, 2015

All Things Happen For a Reason

This week as the world of my cousin and his sweet wife got rocked.. I find that I'm repeating over and over in my head "everything has a reason" "God has a purpose". It isn't that I'm questioning my faith by any means or God.  More of a trying understand why things happen. Without just calling my cousins out to much , I'll give a little background.  My cousin recently completed Navy boot camp I couldn't be more proud of him and his selfless act to serve his country. He and his wife recently moved to his first posting soon after learned they were expecting. They had been praying and trying for a while to complete their family. However, I guess God apparently some lessons to teach our whole family because complications set in. This week, 19 weeks in, I got a baby angel cousin. (Takes a moment to collect thoughts after  that last sentence)  

Again this blog isn't about them but they are what triggered it.   It's situations like this that even the strongest in their faith, whatever that faith maybe, question. We wonder why, we soul search, we cry, as pray. We ultimately do conclude that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.  That there is a bigger purpose that we may or may not see.   Some start in a way to realize and see those bigger purposes.  We all handle it differently but one thing is for sure we all say why.  Rather it's the loss of a child or family member, a wreck, a bad diagnosis from a doctor or anything else that rocks us we all ask why.  It's human nature. 

The truth is in many cases we never know the answer.  As a kid I was given the "Big Book of Tell Me Why", in almost every why question a child could have was covered. As adults we don't always have the luxury of knowing why.  But we have the abilities to come up with logical conclusions.  What I do know is we are never ever given more then we can handle though many times it seems we are broken with no hope of healing.  

What I want everyone to take from this. Is better delivered by being numbered: 
1. You ARE stronger then you know 
2. Never loose your faith 
3. Everything and everyone on this earth has a purpose!!!!!! 
4. When in doubt talk it out. Rather it's with a friend, family, yourself , God , your pet, a journal .... talk .... things always look better when you let it all out. 

In closing I'd like to reference one of my favorite groups of verses from Ecclesiastes 3 : 

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

~~~peace and love everyone !!! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

My thoughts on confederate flag and gun control

We ALL need to get off this bs of banning the confederate flag and also off gun control ...first it's not the darn confederate flag, good Lawd people it's the REBEL FLAG.. Now try to follow me here rebel comes from rebellion , the southern states rebelled against the United States forming the Confederate states when they left the United States,  they chose to use the rebel flag ...  It's been used throughout history and not just by the confederacy.. I was a Leake academy rebel !!! We flew the flag proudly to support our team. Just saying and racism was never even thought ..  Secondly what if the south had won?? Would we be saying lets ban the union symbols ???? Valid question ?   There is so much more to worry on instead of rather it's bad or not.. And don't  get me started on constitutional rights to fly it use it or buy it.. 

Now guns.. GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE!!! PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!!  THEY EITHER ONE OF THEEE THINGS: THEY ARE SICK AND TWISTED , FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOM OR ITS SELF DEFENSE!!!  Ok I feel better.. My point being we were given the right in the constitution . Why? Cause we were fighting a war for our freedom , people needed to be able to fend for theirselves. How bout this vs convict the ones that use guns to feed family, defend family, and protect us .... We help the ones that are sick and learn the signs and report the signs!!! Not just sit back and watch our friends if we think they could do something horrible but get them help.  Radical concept?? Not really when you think about it going against England was radical and yet our fore farthers did, radical problems take radical solutions!!! 

Ultimately we have way larger issues then these two in our country and our world!!! How bout we fix those!!  Thanks to those that actually read my rant 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Just a little rant.. With a few opinions... Part 1

I tend to not express political views publically or discuss current affairs anymore  but I'm changing that rule .. 

(Bloggers warning : this will probably anger a lot.. If you don't think you can handle a non sugar coated view do not I repeat DO NOT READ FURTHER!!!) 

First national things: 
Baltimore- I'm infuriated that everyone is crying "race".. Really ??  Had this happened to an Asian, Hispanic, or Caucasian person probably non of the issues woulda happened.. The Baltimore people are making it an issue, it's them dragging it out. They are the ones making their race look bad, when they faught so hard for equality. Yes it was bad a man died, but to drag it out like this. I guess we are all back in high school again?

The  Elections - I have concluded I have the best GOP team that ghe convention needs .... Yall ready? Well gonna make you wait.  (Grinning slightly evilly) ... First Hillary, really people think we need to go back to a Clinton era? It don't take rocket science or least it shouldn't to see the dodging, lies, coverups that she's doing, and to think she was originally republican.  She already had to resign secretary if state which is fourth in line of command to take over if needed .. Why put her in the top?  Now because she's the only democrat I have really looked at back to the republicans. Rubio and Cruz are young bucks, they aren't really ready to run for presidency one has to be 35, they are what early 40s? Actually I'll google that... Rubio 43 Cruz 44.. Yes political babies.. Or least that's how I see them, brilliant but they won't get the older votes.  Bush eh I like him but many of his stances I don't agree with. Those two CEOs or what ever they are are clearly smart yes.. But political unknowns what they will be able to do is bring up issues that will need to be addressed.  There are others set to announce that haven't time will tell. Then you have Carson and Huckabee .. Carson came from nothing, brilliant and knows what it feels like to be a small fish in a big world.. Huckabee has small country-ish background a good ole boy from the south, also brilliant. Both are godly. Carson know the constitution like he knows his kids names. Huckabee has the national eye.  Which brings me to who i would run.... In case Yall haven't figured it out.   Huckabee Carson..  I think combined they could bring the votes. And would make for a good team. 

Other things: 
Don't we still have a fourth atomic bomb? Who cares if it's obselete brake that baby out, evacuate the innocents and drop it. End of issues. 

It's sad when Mississippi looses an officer that happens to be black and our state not just the blank people rallies around his family when we had more issues with civil rights then Baltimore .. Perhaps for once Mississippi is setting an example. 

This nation this world needs an intervention of a godly manner, wait what am I saying ???  That's been going on just no one is listening .. What's it gonna take another flood? 

One final note this is all one persons view as I said many won't like it or agree.. And I'm sure more will come. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Just some food for thought

(edited because I was late finishing) As the one year anniversary of the death of one of my dearest friends drew near and passed I was reminded of several sayings about death and life. I'm also reminded of the many others I've lost in the past 12 years specifically the young ones the ones with so much more to give:  Lacey ,Maxim, Lindsey, Beth, Josh and most recently Hollis.   It's said quite well in the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy "our lives aren't always measured in numbers but by the lives we touch". The six mentioned did touch lives, especially mine in countless ways, I wish I could name all but it would take to much time.  This blog will end up being sorta short and simple but hopefully inspiring. We all have a purpose on this earth other then driving our parents bonkers. Some are meant to do marvelous things, some are meant to less grand but still great and so on, regardless it's what's decided for us at our birth by God or if you aren't Christian by what ever higher power you believe in. The key is we also have the ability to choose our paths, therefore getting to our history moment might take longer then others.  This isn't always bad not everyone can be brain surgeons, some need to be artists who for the record are STILL brilliant, some need to march to their own beats who again are some of the most brilliant people I know. Hollis was one of these brilliant people so brilliant at times that I was in awe yet he did walk to his own best and tended to choose the hard, rough paths. His ultimate journey was cut short I for a long time felt it was to soon, now a year later I believe it was to teach us. For the Leake Academy class of 2003 it brought some of us together that we hadn't spoken to in 10 years, for others perhaps it taught to maybe be a little more careful, for myself it helped me remember just how to live with your heart, as an empath (rather it's believed in or not) it showed me also just how strong friendship bonds are and remain I know my first knight is always watching over me.  
In closing, nothing is ever ever promised. Live your life to the fullest but also live it to where you can say you are proud of what you did. Many people like to say no regrets, however they secretly do regret. They may regret a choice made a decade ago but still have it.  Don't give yourself that chance, look at the possible effects of every choice/path first be wise and live life to where you don't regret. And finally , touch all the lives you can smile at people and wave (you would be surprised just how that can change a strangers day), randomly text a friend with a smile emoji, tell friends you love them (never know when you won't get to again).