Monday, March 2, 2015

Just some food for thought

(edited because I was late finishing) As the one year anniversary of the death of one of my dearest friends drew near and passed I was reminded of several sayings about death and life. I'm also reminded of the many others I've lost in the past 12 years specifically the young ones the ones with so much more to give:  Lacey ,Maxim, Lindsey, Beth, Josh and most recently Hollis.   It's said quite well in the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy "our lives aren't always measured in numbers but by the lives we touch". The six mentioned did touch lives, especially mine in countless ways, I wish I could name all but it would take to much time.  This blog will end up being sorta short and simple but hopefully inspiring. We all have a purpose on this earth other then driving our parents bonkers. Some are meant to do marvelous things, some are meant to less grand but still great and so on, regardless it's what's decided for us at our birth by God or if you aren't Christian by what ever higher power you believe in. The key is we also have the ability to choose our paths, therefore getting to our history moment might take longer then others.  This isn't always bad not everyone can be brain surgeons, some need to be artists who for the record are STILL brilliant, some need to march to their own beats who again are some of the most brilliant people I know. Hollis was one of these brilliant people so brilliant at times that I was in awe yet he did walk to his own best and tended to choose the hard, rough paths. His ultimate journey was cut short I for a long time felt it was to soon, now a year later I believe it was to teach us. For the Leake Academy class of 2003 it brought some of us together that we hadn't spoken to in 10 years, for others perhaps it taught to maybe be a little more careful, for myself it helped me remember just how to live with your heart, as an empath (rather it's believed in or not) it showed me also just how strong friendship bonds are and remain I know my first knight is always watching over me.  
In closing, nothing is ever ever promised. Live your life to the fullest but also live it to where you can say you are proud of what you did. Many people like to say no regrets, however they secretly do regret. They may regret a choice made a decade ago but still have it.  Don't give yourself that chance, look at the possible effects of every choice/path first be wise and live life to where you don't regret. And finally , touch all the lives you can smile at people and wave (you would be surprised just how that can change a strangers day), randomly text a friend with a smile emoji, tell friends you love them (never know when you won't get to again).