First ALL lives MATTER!!! It doesn't matter race, sex, age, religion.. WE ALL MATTER. It frustrates me so wait no it infuriates me that WE as a nation can't move past our history. We should be learning from it vs living in it.. Our country is a amazing rainbow of people. Yes we have a rocky history but who doesn't? But instead of certain groups playing the poor me cards why don't we all work to fix it ? We need to be educating all as best as possible on our history and stop enabling by stereotyping them by characteristics based on colors. I guess it's true ignorance is bliss but good lawd , if that's the case being half Hispanic if I fit the typical "view" I'd be short, barely speaking English, doing whatever jobs I could. LUCKILY I wasn't raised that way , and I'm lucky my friends don't treat me any different because they have been educated they know I'm not the typical stereotype they also know Hispanics are STILL Caucasion.. If we stop going "well they just that way it's bred into them cause of where they are from" this world this country would be better. I got news for those that haven't thought about it, you can be trash and be any color, you can be a criminal and be any color, you can be brilliant and be any color, you can protect and serve and be any color. We need to wake up and stop infighting and realize we have bigger problems in the country, we have full nations that want to destroy us.
Now I'm not saying everyone should be best buddies, I realize some races just don't mix well however that doesn't mean we can't be civil. I can't speak for all religions but I can mine and I was taught God loves us all we are all his children so in theory we are all family. Why can't we act like it ?? Because we are so caught up in crying out about our history. And honesty it's not all of us as a nation it's just one portion, which is bullshit! I'm sorry to be so blunt but I don't see the Latinos, Asians, Irish, French, Indian both native and India, crying out. Most of our nation live in peace. I'm not saying any one color is superior I can't cause let's face it I'm a walking Heinz57 bottle I for sure have Hispanic Scottish Irish and no telling what else. But I was mixed and created for a purpose, we all were!
So I'll close with a few thoughts.
1. We need to learn from the past not keep living in it
2. We need to remember ALL lives MATTER
3. We should be pulling together as a nation not driving wedges
4. The Christians need to remember one of the greatest commandments.. Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself.
Those non Christian or non religious could still learn from it as well.