Aight, This is going to be a bit of a soap box and I apologize in advance for it, but I feel I might as well go ahead and get it out of the way...
Why is it that it seems no one and I mean no one can get along anymore unless we all are just like another. I mean this with respect but it is true.. and it goes one step further if your white look different have tattoos, hair a strange color, piercings you are seen as bad and a menace to society by your on people. For that matter other races do the same.. This has baffled me for years because though I'm not of mixed race I have always been viewed different by my own, for one reason I am different I know this, I don't blister, my eyes are browner then brown, girls dream of having my natural hair color and my skin, but I'm still just me. I'm adopted so yes I look different then my family , yes I have Spanish blood of some kind but that does not make me any different then my neighbors of the same race as I have just that I'm a bit tanner. Race shouldn't be about color at all in the first place, because lets face it there are many shades or white, brown , black. Our country so many times has been nearly destroyed with this age old debate..and is being destroyed now.
Before it goes any further . I'm far from racist some of my best friends are of different races then I .. that said ill straight up admit that I didn't vote for Obama for president, but it had nothing to do with the shade of his skin, I based it on a strictly political view that I didn't think he was right for this country, and as a US citizen I have that right to make that choice for myself. For the record if Powell or Rice ran i'd support them we share same political views and heck at one time in college I had hoped Rice would run.
I just wish as a people, as a nation, we could all get along. I think there would be a lot less violence, a lot less hatred if people would stop looking with their eyes and start looking with their minds and oh perish the thought their hearts? If it is true that we are all made in God's image anyways and this nation is really a "Nation Under God" then when is this concept so hard to grasp.
And I get that people are different, but I was told by a dear friend or least someone I consider dear that even old ladies shutter when he comes in to rooms because of his long hair (which isn't that bad) and tattoos (which can all be covered with a sleeve) that is stereotyping and sooo wrong about him on all levels. He is one of the smartest, most talented , big hearted people I have ever met and regardless of what his exterior looks like if they or anyone else would look into his face they would see kindness and know it is his true nature.
I just think people need to just look at people as people for their hearts, minds, soul their guts more or less and stop looking at the shell, people might be surprised as to who they meet, a new friend they might make , a new family member they might get. Change and yes even Friendship can start with one person just giving a smile, a wave, holding a door, letting someone in when traffic is buzzing because that will set off a chain of events of others showing acts of kindness.. I know not everyone was born kind but might surprise even the means ones as to how good it feels to be nice for a change. And then maybe just maybe we can stop judging and start working together cause if we don't , and i say this as a political science major, this country our people our way of life is in for a rough ride.
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