We all have been asked if we could talk to anyone from past who would it be..
Personally that is a hard question, mainly because there are so many greats but also friends and family I've lost to. I saw a picture today (shown below) asking if you could sit on a bench for one hour with anyone from past or present who would it be. I got to thinking is one hour enough? Then I got to thinking who.And could I fill up a day just talkin to present and past people and have reasons to back them up.So here it goes my attempt to do just that:
Hour One: My daddy, I'd ask him about logging and business we would discuss things that have been put off and also remember some old days.
Hour Two: My Great Great Aunt Winnie D, I know eventually we won't have her here anymore and there is so much she has seen and done, we love to visit and never get to much. I should fix that.
Hours Three , Four, and Five : would be spend with cousins Jack, Joseph and Gracie, not to cut the rest of my cousins short in any way but these three have amazing minds to be a teen, pre teen and toddler. And they should be encouraged. Jack is wise beyond his years if just given the chance, Joseph reads so much that I could spend that whole hour discussing Chronicals of Narnia or works of Verne , sweet little Gracie just amazes me daily how fast she's growing and how talented she is.
Hour Six: my biological mother, for nearly 29 years I've had so many questions that only she can answer.
**these get into past people , I didn't list my momma in the six cause I see and talk to her daily so we don't really need that hour **
Hour Seven: Gene Roddenberry and all we would discuss would be Star Trek
Hour Eight : Verne, ever since I was a small child I've loved his books and I'm curious as to how the concepts were created so far ahead of their time
Hour Nine: Walt Disney..
Hour Ten: Hemmingway. His lifewas amazing, his works timeless.
Hour Eleven : Sun Tzu .. He is the author of the art of war, not that I like war but it is a necessary evil and I'd love to compare today with his day.
Hour Twelve: DiVince, just to discus anything with him would be amazing
Hour Thirteen: Jesus, I'd ask about if he knew he would be the basis of a faith or least the continuance of it. I'd ask so much some private some not.
Hour Fourteen: Benjamin Franklin I would love to know what it was like to be scientist, inventor, and politician. And also to be a founding father.
Hour Fifteen: General Grant
Hour Sixteen: General Lee
( both to find their take on the civil war)
Hour Seventeen: Washington
Hour Eighteen: Hitler I'm really curious as to how his mind ticked
Hour Nineteen: Martin Luther King again to find out how mind ticked but to also see if his dream became reality
Hour Twenty: Homer
Hour Twenty-one: Aristotle
Hour Tweenty-two: Shakespeare
(The last three because they were not only writers but brilliant)
Hour Twenty-three: Muhammad to find out the real meanin of his teaching
Hour Twenty-four : would be spent with myself to evaluate the last 23 as well as my own life. The way I see it is we must all learn from the past and in some cases the present but also from ourselves from our own mistakes and triumphs. We all can't be Homer or Einstine or anyone else listed all we can be is ourselves and be ok with that.. My challenge this week is to see who you would talk to and learn from but to also talk and learn from yourself.