The Fourth of July like so many other holidays has lost its true meaning.. Yes places do the pledge, the national anthem and praise our troops but is it because it's the same pomp and circumstance that we have just always done or is it cause we truly proud of where we come from of what our four fathers did for us ALL.. Have y'all read the constitution lately (the original it's not that long ) or the bill of rights they really covered all and had the foresight to do so . Those two documents along with the Declarartion of Independence are so beautifully written they deserve to be read and understood and cherished not just by those in DC but by all.
To give an example, the preamble of the Constitutuon :
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domesticTranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
That sentence yes it's one full sentence is one of the most powerful statements and yet we as a nation have lost sight of it.
Our founding fathers probably never forsaw all this country has gone through: the Civil War, the GreatDepression, two World Wars, 911 just to name some. But they did give us the foundation and tools to over come any adversary we just have to use it.
Y'all are probably thinking "ok so what's the true meaning of the fourth then".. Everyone has their own meanings of it. For me it's the birthday of our nation, it's a time to remember what our four fathers and founders did for us as a nation, it's a time to remember all our servicemen and women, it's a time to reflect on where our county stands both good and bad, and to remember that we are FREE nation FOUNDED under God being as our founders were Christian they knew there were other religions that would come in though and have that freedom in the Bill of Rights that does not mean they ment to forget where we came from or the moral values they had just that they allowed religious freedom. We also need to remember at the time there was Protestants, Catholics and Calvinist ect most ultimately Christian just different views on the faith.. I don't think the founders saw all the others coming in.
In closing, as y'all do what ever it is y'all plan on doing tomorrow I have a few things for y'all to consider doing : say happy 238th birthday USA, reflect on the history, remember the ones that sacrificed so that we are free today and the ones that still do sacrifice, if y'all are praying people pray for our country and leaders, and lastly as we adorn the flags and red white and blue do it with pride and honor because we are free and owe so much to our founders ( sidenote meanin of the colors which are given meanin not in our flag but in our seal : "The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.")
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