Wednesday, June 17, 2020

From Lemons to Lemonade

Originally started in October of 2019. Unsure why I never finished.

I joked last week while ranting to a friend about a rough day that I should Blog about it.  I never did but after looking back it wasn't even a rough day.  I'm going to call it a lemon day.
What is a lemon day? A day that starts sour but ultimately ends sweet.

Truthfully my whole week last week was full of lemons but it happens.  Thursday though I was about lemoned out.

I took my car into the dealership for a oil change and a over heating issue, the morning prior to taking it in wasn't ideal though.  I was told to go sit in the wait area, which I was prepared for.  
Enter the first lemon. I had every intention to just put in my earbuds and watch Netflix.
However not once but twice seeing me watching one of the salesmen comes in.  They just wouldn't leave me alone with his over personal questions. The second time he even over quizzed another lady. I'm sorry but I'm not telling a total stranger my last name, where I'm from, where I work.   Why I'm at the dealership or why I won't trade.
Anyways he did finally leave and eventually I got a car diagnoses but was also told it would be the next day.  And that they were giving me a loner.  Lemon 2 and 3. Number 2 was that they didn't have the parts.  Number 3... well the picture about sums it up.

Okay maybe that's a exaggeration but it was a small car and yes I felt folded into it.  Why they wanna take someone who drives a SUV and put them into a sportscar is beyond me.  
I hit my forehead least three times. Either getting in or out, I couldn't get my seat low enough to not bump my head on the top. And I was paranoid that I'd be plowed over. 
The next day I did get my car back and quickly realized that I had a unexpected fix to it and the first sweet thing let's call it lemonade. 
My car hadn't honked or beeped in years I just had accepted it.  But somehow that got repaired, along with everything else.

The point to all of this??
That old saying is true when life gives you lemons make lemonade.  Life is hard, it's sour, it's bitter but there is almost always a soft side, a sweet side, a savory side.  We just have to be willing to see it sometimes.  
I for one love lemonade, and lemon drops or lemon heads,  lemon and honey is one of my favorite combinations.  The sour with the sweet. It really teaches alot. 

We all can handle anything thrown at us if we believe in ourselves, and have faith. 

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